September 14, 2011

Number Nine!

Welcome back folks! I know you are all waiting on pins and needles to find out what my number nine so let’s get right to it. Again please a drum roll … number nine is … Glory, starring Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman. Glory is directed by Edward Zwick. This film is rated R, for brutal war violence and some language.


The setting is set during the civil war. Capt. Robert G. Shaw is the son of a wealthy family from the North, who is asked to become the Colonel of the 54th Massachusetts which is an all black regiment. This is the first all black regiment in the Civil War. While this is a great honor it is also frowned upon by many of his friends and family. Racism was rampant in the north just like it was in the south. The new Colonel takes this assignment with honor and sets off on an adventure that will change everything. In the new army, there are runaway slaves like Private Trip who harbors a great deal of hatred, and the level headed Sgt Rawlins, who while still a slave, he understands what he is there for. There is an educated Cpl. Searles who is there as a free man who wants to fight for his country. This is their story, a story of men trapped in a world of hate, but bond together like only soldiers can to find brotherhood.


The acting is superb! That is all I can say for these actors. Denzel Washington won a well deserved Oscar for his role as Pvt. Trip. There is real emotion that is brought through the screen and it is impossible to leave this movie without feeling like you were there. These actors bring you into their world. Matthew Broderick conveys his torment flawlessly, as does Cary Elwes. Morgan Freeman continues to be an anchor for the rest of the cast to hold on to. The biggest accomplishment from good acting is if the actor can convince you to forget that they are pretending. If an actor can take you inside the passion of his character and you can sense who they are, they have succeeded. This is what happens in Glory. Pvt Trip says it best “I ain't much about no prayin', now. I ain't never had no family, and... killed off my mama. Well, I just... Y'all's the onliest family I got. I love the 54th. Ain't even much a matter what happens tomorrow, 'cause we men, ain't we?”


The music is written by James Horner. It is a fantastic score one that carries certain themes throughout the whole movie, which is one of Horner’s best skills. When you listen to the music behind the scenes your mind is taken away. You are transported into the world of battered soldiers fighting for what’s right, fighting for your life, fighting for freedom. James Horner won an Emmy for this score. His use of vocals is also very good. The vocals are used mainly as accents most times without actual lyrics. Since this is a period war piece, Horner intertwines his music with pipes and drums and throughout the film you can distinguish the fife and drum melodies such as “The Bonnie Blue Flag” and other historical pieces. This adds so much to the feeling and realism of the movie. James Horner is a very skilled composer, whose music from glory will stick with you.


Can you watch Glory over and over again? I know I can! This movie is a little long and takes a bit to get into the real emotional stuff, but I find Glory is a great movie to watch around the fourth of July or for any patriotic occasion. This movie is centered on the Civil War but you will find the themes are not as much about a historical prominence or who wins the war but more about the comradery and loyalty these men find with each other. This movie will leave you in a quiet and reflective mood. It will also leave you with a great appreciation for the real men who fought in the 54th Massachusetts.


Ok the final votes are in and I would say if you are interested in buying this movie buy it. This movie is definitely worth 10 or fifteen dollars but since it is older I wouldn’t pay more than seven dollars for it. This movie is one that you will watch and want to have on hand. You will be able to buy it used at FYE or a used movie store. There is a cautionary warning I will let you know about. There are two versions of this film and there is only one I would buy. They made an edited version for teachers to show to students and then there is the original release which is rated R. I recommend the R version for a few reasons. While you can make a movie that is pg-13 that is good, there is something that increases the realism of the experience. If you want to watch a historical movie and skip the gore and emotion involved with it go ahead and get the edited version. On the other hand if you want to suffer and bond along with the men in the movie get the original release.

Glory lands at number nine in my top ten, it will move you and create a sensation of pride, not for you, but for the men who fought and shed blood for freedom.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Zade, I must say that I truly LOVE the addition of the music. Reading the review while the music from the movie is playing certainly heightens the reading experience and definitely lets you picture what you are saying even better. Having never seen this movie you definitely have me convinced to watch it!
