October 2, 2011

Number Eight!

Welcome back I can see you are hungry for more of The Only Review You Need. So here you go, number 8 coming down the pipeline; let’s get right to the film. Number 8 as it sits in my top ten is ... The Patriot directed by Roland Emerich, starring Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, and Jason Isaacs.


It is 1776 and war is coming to the colonial Americas!!! Benjamin Martin is a father, a farmer, a crummy carpenter, and a celebrated war veteran of the French and Indian Revolution. Benjamin Martin’s life is turned upside down when the revolutionary war comes knocking at his door. His oldest son enlists in the continental army without his permission and his next oldest child is killed by the murderous Col. Tavington, a ruthless and unwavering Colonel in the British army. Martin must sacrifice everything to find peace from a brutal past that haunts him and a daunting future that waits for his family. Martin reluctantly joins the Continental Army in order to watch his son Gabriele. From here Martin forms an unkempt group of militia men, ranging from a slave, a bigot, a Frenchman, a preacher, and other townsmen fearing their futures. These men bond together, to fight for freedom, in a world where freedom means something different to each man. Martin is fighting for freedom from his past while his son sees a different freedom for the future of a people. While this is the story of how America was founded on principles of independence, it is really the story of one man who discovers the price of freedom for all.


The acting in this movie is astounding. The first line in the film is uttered by Benjamin Martin, “I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me, and the cost is more than I can bear.” The cast is led by Mel Gibson, who may be crazy in real life, but is able to translate true and pure emotion on screen. He plays a man who is haunted by a war torn past who finds that war is the only way to freedom. Beside Gibson is Heath Ledger, who really is a remarkable actor who has the ability to draw your emotion into every character he plays. While the good guys in this film cause a sensation while you watch that makes you feel proud and builds an atmosphere of genuine brotherhood, it is Jason Isaacs who rises above the rest. Jason Isaacs portrays Colonel Tavington an atrocious and truly wicked villain. In this role Isaacs creates an antagonist that is present in every role he will ever play. I have seen many movies in which Isaac has a part and whether that character is good or bad I have hated him with an obsession that can only be related to this character. After Tavington kills Martins middle child he utters the words “stupid boy.” He then rides his horse of into the horizon leaving a father holding his dying child in his arms, watching his eldest being toted away to be hung. In this moment there is a furor that dwells in your soul that can only be quenched by the ensuing tale of a father who will do everything he can to avenge his son’s death. Will he be successful? You’ll have to watch.


The music in this film is absolutely incredible. The original music is composed by John Williams, who in my opinion is one of the best composers around. The music written for The Patriot is described best as stirring. This movies soundtrack will stir up all kinds of emotions; from unease as the movie opens onto Martins old war chest to just a few seconds later it opens up to a beautiful score as we pan across colonial South Carolina. This score uses key main themes used throughout the entire film. It is bright and powerful in the moments where it is needed to propel the heart into the story, and it is dark and brooding when you are feeling an anger that needs justification. Overall Williams transposes emotion into music and therefore the music becomes your emotion in the film. There is a scene where Martin is seen coming over the hill waiving the tattered flag and the music that accompanies him will transport you into the sensation that the soldiers must have been feeling.


This movie is a very inspiring film that is sure to hit all of your emotions. It is an extraordinary picture, but is ferociously violent and dark in parts. There is a terror in the realism of what war does to families. There is a real tug at the heart strings when the ties of family and loyalty are tested. If you watch this film and do not feel mass amounts of emotion you must get yourself checked out because you are most likely a sociopath. However all that being said due to the power of this film it may be one that is hard to watch again and again, but also due to the same power this movie is easily watched again. I know this is sort of a paradox, but once you see “The Patriot” you will understand. I loved being moved to the verge of tears on the tail of such a commanding tale.


BUY THIS MOVIE!!! I would spend 20.00 dollars on this film in a split second. I would spend 25.00 on this movie in four or five seconds if the place you are buying movies from is selling this film for thirty I might look somewhere else. I found this movie online for sale for five dollars used that is an incredible price for such a wonderful experience. That is really what this film is it is an experience. You will sit through this and be filled with wonder. As you buy this let me offer a warning this movie while great is very disturbing. There is a lot of death and a lot of characters who you quickly learn to love who you watch helplessly lay dying while you watch their families suffer. If you are sensitive to this type of violence bring boxes of tissues as there is an abundance of it. It is worth the watching through if you love the story of redemption. Not solely vengeance but redemption. The Patriot is a masterpiece. And while it landed in the number 8 spot it very well could soon become one of your top five easily! Tune in next time to see what could be your new favorite movie!

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