October 6, 2011

Number Seven!!!

Salutations!!!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look at my reviews. Once you read them you will realize that this will be the only review you will ever need to read. Every once in a while there is a movie that you see that you can’t turn off. One of those movies is A Few Good Men, directed by Rob Reiner starring a huge cast including Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Pollak, Kevin Bacon, and Keifer Sutherland. This movie is rated R for language.


The story begins in the dark of night, as we witness two marines tie up and kill a fellow marine. The story then moves to a cocky naval attorney Lt. Daniel Kaffee who is asked to represent these two marines. Kaffee is eager to move to a plea bargain which the two marines do not take as they insist they were following orders. Kaffee is then forced to work with a feisty Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway, who is persistent that the high up Col. Jessup is responsible for the Marine’s death. This begins a tale of mysterious conditions and orders that were given and also never given. This is a tale of code and honor, of truth and justice. Kaffee and Galloway have to sift through the lies that the Colonel and other officers are feeding them to find out if the marines they represent should be found guilty of killing a colleague. These two attorneys have to decide if the death of a United States Marine should fall upon the shoulders of those who killed him or those who ordered the attack.


This is the first movie where I get to talk about a very important key to good acting. That key is called chemistry. Chemistry equates to how well the actors click together. Do the actors seem like the characters interactions are believable. The chemistry between Demi Moore and Tom Cruise is impenetrable. They have their characters down to a tee. Joining into the chemistry is Kevin Pollak, who in my opinion is a much underrated actor. His small role as Lt Kaffee’s assistant brings a great relationship onto the screen and adds a lot to Tom cruises believability. Also Jack Nicholson’s character is extremely memorable as he spits out one of the most unforgettable quotes of all time. “You can’t handle the truth!!!” It would be easy to convince you that the three powerhouses are the reasons to watch this movie, but it would be untrue and unfair to the rest of the cast. Keifer Sutherland adds a real presence to the screen as does Kevin Bacon. The two Marines add a real sense of authenticity as well. All in all this movies acting is remarkable, and propels the viewer into a world of justice and intrigue.


This is one of the few movies where the music lies in the dialogue. The actual soundtrack and score is full of orchestrated synthesizers. While the music remains prominent in the typical dramatic moments of the film the score neither adds nor distracts from the film. What I mean from the music lies in the dialogue is that Aaron Sorkin’s screenplay is almost a melody in itself. The writing is fast and smart. The lines are spoken with a rhythm that pushes and pulls your mind throughout the whole picture. Basically the music in this film is probably the least memorable part of your viewing experience.


Every time I watch this movie I sit on pins and needles during the court scenes, I cringe at the thought of a code red and feel injustice flowing through my veins when watching the two marines beat their fellow comrade to death. When Jack Nicholson speaks I literally feel intimidated, and I have seen this movie maybe 50 times. While I know every lie and twist in the movie I still push pause when I get up to get a drink. When I see this movie on AMC I stop flipping through the channels. Does this movie have the re-watchability capacity? I say YES! YES! YES!


This movie was made in 1982; it should not be more than 10 dollars. That being said I would pay 15.00-20.00 dollars for this film with any sort of special features. Without special features I would still pay 10.00-15.00. This is a great movie and definitely worth owning in your collection. It is a great movie for when you are in the mood for a court room drama, or a military thriller. As I mentioned in the re-watchability I have seen this movie over fifty times. If I were to have rented it for a dollar each time I would have spent fifty dollars. It is definitely worth picking up at a used store or even a local grocery store. If you are interested in this Title I definitely recommend you to pick it up the next chance you get!!!

Thanks for reading the Only Review You Need, tune in soon for number 6

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